Success Team Corporation The first Trading support Company since 2000
December 13, 2016


  • This success team branch office is opened for one year for VIPs.
  • However regular customers can buy or use our services if they want to, hurry! all services are back again for one year.
  • The latest CF software is back on sale 1600 licenses available

All departments E-mail Adresses

The computing department

Manages all computing stuff , robots , Accounts , Online system , Tech team , developpers , webmasters etc….

  • The computing department :

The Financial department

Manages all financial and money related affaires  .

  • The Fiancial department :

The law department

Deals with all law affaires , Administrative papers , signatures , demands and courts .

  • The law department :

The Compliance department

Helps customers in trouble to get their money back if unsatisfied , And even helps if you have been scamed elsewhere , they give advice on how to proceed to complaint and get  your money back or get justice done for you . And finally bring solutions for customers .

  • The Compliance department :

   The Customer Support Team

Handles the Customers general questions , needs and support .

  • The Custumer Support :

    The Head of Success Team

  • The Head of Success Team : CONTACT EMAIL HIDDEN

The boss office , he is the most important and the most powerful authority of the company . We ask not to write him directly when your case can be solved by one of our departments . The boss must not be disturb for help calling or others , our free customers program is here for that . So please don`t disturb the boss for nothing .

  • This success team branch office is opened for one year for VIPs.
  • However regular customers can buy or use our services if they want to, hurry! all services are back again for one year.
  • The latest CF software is back on sale 1600 licenses available